How to make the most of your energy healing session

energy healing
Healing doesn't happen to you. It happens through you. Your outlook and thoughts about energy healing are the most important components of the session. No matter what the healer does, you have the power to believe it works or not. Of course, even if you don't believe it, healing can still happen. It just won't have as profound an effect.
When you believe, you receive. It's essential to allow for healing to happen in the way it is meant to. We can't control it, but we can welcome it in. Just like we can welcome in a guest in our home. We can't control how they act and respond while they are visiting. We can make assumptions and suggestions.
The way to get the most out of your energy healing session is to have a general intention. Then allow space for healing to happen as it is meant to. Sometimes it takes time for healing to gradually come into being. Your job is to be open to the subtle signs that healing is in progress. Often, this shows up as the opposite effect.
I tell my healing clients that there is usually an energy response. It may show up as worsening the condition or excessive emotions. Everything has to dislodge and come to the surface before it can be released. By sharing this, my intention is for you to see those seemingly negative reactions as hints that healing is happening. It's interesting when you see it from that perspective the discomfort becomes a sign of release and relief.
So in reality, you are responsible for your own healing. Even at the hand of someone else. Here's to your best health. 🙏